lose wieght fast tips

Workout Schedule For Weight Loss - Extreme Weight Loss With This Crazy Workout

Having a workout schedule for weight loss is a whole new ball game compared to building muscle, training for a sport or
 a competition. I have the perfect schedule for you to lose weight, burn fat, get in shape and take ownership of this workout, and you new, sexy, lean body.

Days 1, 3 and 5

  • Half hour of cardio in the morning
  • Half an hour of cardio in the evening

This cardio should be different stuff, not just jogging all the time. Try elliptical machines, rowers, boxing, dancing, pump classes, body weight circuits. Heck, go outside and do 100 burpees and tell me that isn't a good cardio session! It is easy to create cardio routines for weight loss, doing them is the hard part!

Days 2, 4 and 6

  • Deadlifts - 3 sets of 25
  • Back squats - 4 sets of 30
  • Clean and press - 4 sets of 15
  • Burpees -  4 x 20

If you can survive this workout, you will see amazing results. Just do light weights for these exercises as the idea is fat loss, not muscle building, although you will build a bit of strength!

Just remember that fat loss is a two sided equation, you have to exercise, but you also have to have good nutrition, having one without the other is like doing the tango by yourself - pointless.

If you are serious about losing weight, burning fat and getting in sexy, lean shape, then you need to get the best information, mentor or a coach to help you achieve your goals fast and to kick you back into line when you fall to the side.
I have a brand new guide for your fat loss and muscle building success.

How to Make Time For Breakfast So You Can Lose Weight

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but many people are still skipping it. If you really want to lose weight, than NEVER skip breakfast.

I understand mornings can be very busy, and time is precious, but you can prepare a healthy and nutritious meal in record time, and the benefits will be worth it. Research shows that people that eat breakfast have a more nutritious diet overall, in fact. This is due to being satisfied in the morning, which prevents overeating at lunch, which can lead to weight loss. Listed below are some simple ways to fit in your morning meal.

On the Go: These breakfast items can be eaten in the car if you have to! Toast an English Muffin and spread it with sugar free preserves, or make toast and use a sparing amount of reduced fat Peanut Butter...a little goes a long way! Grab a yogurt and a plastic spoon, or take yogurt with a spoonful of low-fat granola and fresh berries along with you in a travel coffee mug. Or stuff a pita with a slice of low-fat ham or Canadian bacon with some shredded reduced fat cheddar cheese. Much better than grabbing a breakfast sandwich from a fast food restaurant, these are satisfying breakfasts that you can eat while on the move.

Get Creative: Instead of waiting for your toast to toast, substitute a whole wheat tortilla for your bread. Spread the tortilla with peanut butter, or make a taco by adding a few spoons of low fat cottage cheese topped with mango salsa. Or take last nights left over's and scramble them in with some egg whites. Even Chinese food tastes good when mixed with egg whites and a little Peanut oil instead of Olive oil to coat the pan. If you grilled onions and peppers the night before they are a natural for a scramble in the morning. Egg whites take about one minute to cook, so you can whip them up in a flash and get on with your day.

Pick the Fruit: Instead of fruit juice, pick fruit instead. You can take it on the go, and it is high in fiber which will keep you feeling full longer. Mix fruit up with yogurt or cottage cheese, or with granola, and you have a full breakfast, and full of nutrition as well. Fruit juice is higher in sugar than the fruit it comes from, so you won't experience that sugar high and crash later in the day.

These breakfasts can be made at home, and take less time than standing in line at the donut shop, so you have no reason to skip breakfast any longer.

The Power of Onion Soup Diet

If you are one of the millions of overweight people who are looking for ways to reduce weight, chances are, you have come across the onion soup diet. This simple diet is somehow a drastic weight loss program that promises a 5-kilo weight loss in just one week.
soup diet

This onion soup diet is intended for temporary weight loss and does not require long-term commitment from an individual. If this is the case, it is a bit perplexing why this diet method has become so popular. Perhaps, its popularity can be attributed to the fact that onion, as the major ingredient of this fat burning soup, is inexpensive.

Moreover, the onion soup diet generally sounds so easy to do. It sounds like this: have onion soup for several days and have a slimmer appearance at the end of the diet period! So, simple isn't it? 

The onion soup diet may be this uncomplicated and it can definitely help with weight loss. Then again, it is not a miracle weight reducing solution. Plus, you certainly can't live on consuming soup alone.

Onion soup diet lets you lose weight in a short period of time due to its unique properties that were proven to be extremely effective for losing weight. Onions can promote weight loss because of its high Chromium content.

What is Chromium? It is an important nutrient that enhances the effectiveness of the insulin in our blood. When we have a steady pattern of insulin emission, our body will be able to keep good blood sugar levels, and this will result to unwavering stamina and energy. While the improved energy is the greatest benefit, in turn, the benefit from good levels of sugar and stable energy is the body's power to refrain from craving too much food. Thus, you can lose weight.

Other benefits from onion:

1. It can eliminate the extra fluid in the body tissues, making the kidneys to function better. 
2. It can help with the treatment of vesicular and liver diseases. 
3. Get rid of the extra gases. 
4. Can cure diabetes.

Here is the basic 7 -day onion soup diet plan:

Day 1: Have all the soup and eat all the fruits that you like except for banana. 
Day 2: Have all the onion soup coupled with your favorite vegetables. 
Day 3: Eat all the soup that you can eat, topped with all the fruit and vegetables that you like.
Day 4: Have soup, milk and 6 pieces medium sized bananas. 
Day 5: Have soup, 6 pieces tomatoes, and 250 grams of beef. 
Day 6: Onion soup, chicken or fish, plus vegetables. 
Day 7: Onion soup, fruit juices, vegetables, and brown rice.

This 7-day diet plan will let you lose 5 kilos in one week.

For your information, a half cup of onions only have 35 calories, you can choose to add this tangy vegetable in so many tasty foods and dishes to have something more aside from soup. If you are somehow worried of the bad breath effects that the onion soup diet may bring, you can remedy this by eating some parsley which is an effective bad breath fighter.

Supplements to Reduce Belly Fat - Which 2 You Need to Use!

People who want to lose weight may have heard of supplements to reduce belly fat. Many of these fat loss supplements work for a short span of time but after a while they stop working due to inadequate formulas. If you want a supplement to help you lose fat and keep it off then continue reading as this article will provide information about two supplements to reduce belly fat that have a permanent effect.

Losing weight without using synthetic weight loss formulas

Losing weight through natural supplements is always considered better than losing weight using synthetic supplements. Acai Berry supplements are natural weight loss supplements created from Acai fruits found in Brazil. Acai Berry supplements make people lose stubborn belly fat by increasing the metabolic rate of the body. Acai Berry supplements have a permanent weight loss effect since once the metabolic rate of the body has been increased the person does not put on weight easily. The natural compounds in Acai Berry supplements also prevent cravings for heavily processed fatty foods and sweet foods.

Losing weight while getting rid of toxins

Colon cleanse products effectively reduce stubborn belly fat. These cleansing products remove old fecal matter from the colon which causes the body to lose weight. Ingredients such as black walnut and bentonite clay remove fecal matter and toxins where as ingredients like probiotics improve the digestion and ensure that food is digested properly.

Using both these supplements to reduce belly fat

When these two supplements are used together the person loses fat fast and keeps it off. A person can lose a significant amount of fatty tissues every month if he uses these two natural supplements as per the instructions on the bottles. For best results it is recommended to use Acai Berry supplements and Colon Cleanse supplements for at least three months.

Tips to Burn Fat Fast and Banish Stubborn Belly Fat

There is no way that losing weight can be considered easy. It requires motivation, dedication, and plenty of hard work. However, those that are trying to take off even a few pounds shouldn't become overwhelmed by the task ahead. By taking baby steps and using a good fat burning diet, it's entirely possible to burn fat fast and reach your goal.

Losing weight permanently will take more than going on a crash diet. To lose weight and keep it off, you'll have to make some changes to your entire lifestyle. The best place to start is with the foods you consume because this is one of the most important elements of a fat burning diet. Here is a plan that will help you burn fat fast and boost your weight loss efforts:

1. Avoid red meat. A positive change to any diet would include cutting back or eliminating the consumption of red meat. Not only does red meat cause many people to put on weight, but if can have a negative affect on your cholesterol level. To counter any cravings for red meat, work on training your taste buds to savor fish, seafood, and shellfish. Other good choices are the white meat from chicken or turkey. This advice doesn't imply that you should stop eating meat, just read meat. Meat is an excellent source of protein and protein is needed when you want to burn fat fast.

2. Prepare food in a healthy way. Try different food preparation methods including roasting, broiling, boiling, baking, and grilling fish and meat rather than deep frying them. Avoid creamy sauces that are commonly served with main entrees. Instead, use low calorie condiments like a bit of barbecue sauce to make your main course taste interesting. Fish can be perfectly complemented with a lemon herb dressing. By starting a herb garden of your own or stocking your pantry with tasty herbs and spices, you can add flavor to your food without using excess salt or oil.

3. Use common sense when indulging in fast foods. When you have no other choice but to eat at a fast food restaurant, avoid "all you can eat" buffets and large servings. Eating like this too often will quickly add extra inches to your waistline. Regardless of whether you're dining in a restaurant or at home, you can curb your hunger by starting with a salad or cup of soup. While waiting for the main course, this provides a feeling of fullness that will help you consume smaller portions. Of course, smaller portions are part of a fat burning diet or any other weight loss plan.

4. Begin your meal with soup or salad. Choose vegetable soups with a clear base and avoid cream soups. By eating vegetable soups, you will benefit from the nutrients and the fiber makes you feel full. When eating salad, choose low calorie salad dressing like vinaigrette. With a salad, you will also benefit from the nutrients in the vegetables and the fiber that makes you feel full. When looking for a dessert, choose fresh fruit whenever possible. It's natural to crave dessert after a meal, but don't give in to sweets that are full of empty calories. Again, you will benefit from the fiber, vitamins, and minerals that fresh fruits contain, while avoiding adding the many calories that most other desserts contain.

These are just a few things you can do to burn fat fast and completely change how you look at food. Not only will you become healthier, but your taste buds will become accustomed to the delicious foods that are part of fat burning diets.