How to Build Big Muscle - 5 Skinny Guy Secrets to Gain Weight and Build Big Muscles - lose wieght fast tips

How to Build Big Muscle - 5 Skinny Guy Secrets to Gain Weight and Build Big Muscles

As a skinny guy or girl it can seem like the whole world against you when you try to figure out how to build big muscle. If you flick through any of the bodybuilding magazines that line most bookstore shelves you'd be forgiven for thinking that the only way for you to build seriously big muscle is to accept your so-called "genetic disadvantage" and start using their "recommended" supplements, pills and other potions...


I'm here to tell you that a hardgainer like yourself CAN build big muscle naturally, without resorting to expensive and unhealthy measures. All it will take is some discipline, motivation and a few lifestyle changes...and I'm going to show the top 5 ways of how to build big muscle right here...

..are you ready? Great, let's do this then!

Get Serious About Nutrition
Inadequate nutrition is the number one stumbling block that stands in the way of a skinny hardgainer achiveing their goal of building big muscle.

Simply put, without sufficient calorie intake at the right times, your muscles will not reach their true growth potential and your metabolism will be all over the place.

Increase your calorie intake to at least 3,500 per day, spread over 6 meals. Good quality calories are essential here, so don't just fill up on junk. Stick to lean meats, fish, beans, pulses, oatmeal, eggs, nuts, vegetables, etc.

Start Weight Training 3-4 Times Per Week
If you're trying to build big muscle you MUST be performing weight training 3 to 4 times per week. Stick to a good mass-building workout designed for skinny hardgainers and ectomorphs, and make sure you never workout 2 days in a row.

Many skinny guys make the mistake in thinking that the more time they spend in the gym the faster they'll build big muscle.

WRONG! Muscle is built when your body is at rest, not while it is under stress in the gym. Be disciplined both in your training and your rest periods.

Focus On Compound Exercises That Build Big Muscle
Your ideal mass-building workout for hardgainers and ectomorphs should be focused around a core of big lifts known as compound exercises. These are things like Squats, Deadlifts, Bent Over Rows and Bench Press, and work multiple muscle groups at the same time.

These are simply the best exercises for the skinny hardgainer trying to build big muscle, as you not only work more muscle fiber with each exercise, you are also able to lift more weight, and more weight = more muscle size and strength.

The more muscle worked will also produce a higher level of testosterone, which will help in your quest of how to build big muscle fast.

Limit Your Cardio Training
Too much cardio will hamper you in your progress of how to build big muscle, as you will fatigue too quickly and be unlikely to perform optimally in your weight training workout. Try reducing it to a couple of times per week.

Cardio will also cause you to burn fat faster which is not ideal while you are still in the bulking stage. Focus on building big muscle first and then look to cardio to help you get ripped later on.

How To Use Your Body's Natural Muscle Building Hormones
While most of the bodybuilding press tends to focus on unnatural ways for you to use growth hormones, they rarely talk about your body's own natural sources that, if harnessed correctly can see you achieve significant gains in muscle size and strength.

When we sleep our bodies release an anabolic natural growth hormone which helps repair and rebuild muscle tissue. This is essentially what a lot of the magazines are selling, except you can get if for free by just disciplining your sleep and resting pattern.

What do I mean? Well, this hormone is released when we reach deep sleep which usually occurs after several hours, and the is most effective when we rest properly. Inadequate or disturbed sleep can disrupt this hormone's effectiveness.

Make sure you get about 8 hours per night of quality sleep and you'll notice a real difference in your efforts of how to build big muscle.

Avoid stress too, as this causes your body to release a catabolic hormone called Cortisol which can deprive your muscles of certain essential nutrients and even stunt their growth.