Drinking Fennel Seed Water for Weight Loss - lose wieght fast tips

Drinking Fennel Seed Water for Weight Loss

What is Fennel Seed Water?

Fennel seed water is simply water infused with fennel seeds either through immersing in hot water or steeping overnight in cool water. Fennel water has a light golden colour, smells so fresh and clean and the taste is not bad at all! In the beginning, I did find the taste weird but I got used to it real quick! Fun fact: Fennel seeds/ fennel water actually has a mild licorice flavor and leaves a sweet taste in your mouth and is a potent breath freshener!
Fennel seeds have lots of beauty benefits too! Read below:


Making Fennel Water is Easy. Follow the recipe for a potent drink that boosts metabolism and aids in weight loss.

In this hub, we shall learn how to make a large batch of fennel seed water, or fennel water so that we can sip it throughout the day to enjoy its incredible fat-burning ability! I found out about fennel water a couple of months ago, but I only decided to write about it after I tested it out myself. Fennel water is a time-tested ancient herbal remedy that is prescribed as a cure in Ayurveda to even cure obesity! Fennel seeds a tiny powerhouses of incredible detoxing, purifying and metabolism boosting nutrients, which make it a spice worth investing in. It's not even that expensive! So stay with me as we explore the nutrients in fennel seeds, how to make fennel water and the various ways in which fennel water will help you burn fat and allow you to lose weight effortlessly.

Health Benefits & Nutritional Value of Fennel that aid in Weight Loss

Tiny as they are, fennel seeds are packed with valuable nutrients that are loaded with metabolism and fat burning properties, among other health benefits. Fennel seeds are rich in vitamins as well as minerals, as shown in the table below;
Health Benefit
Can help in weight management and managing PMS, helps maintain bone strength, prevents high blood pressure and diabetes
Important for muscle strength, relaxes nervous system, promotes better sleep, improves flexibility
Strengthens bones and teeth, boosts energy, promotes healthy digestion, produces protein
Crucial mineral for life, building block in cells, important for physically active people, promotes mental well being
Vitamin A
Strengthens eye health, rich in anti-oxidants, replenishes body cells
Vitamin C
Wards of common cold and strengthens immune system, important for prenatal health
Insoluble fiber content in fennel increases the bulk of food in the digestive system by absorbing water, stimulates the bowels and relieves constipation.
Table showing some of the nutrients in fennel seeds that boost weight loss

Fennel Water Recipe for Weight Loss

Making fennel water is a simple task that doesn't require any complicated procedures. Having seen the amazing nutrients in fennel seeds above, it's not hard to believe that this simple fennel water recipe will work wonders for your weight loss plan, right? Now, let's get right into the recipe. In my experience, you can make fennel water in 2 ways. The first way is by brewing fennel seeds in boiling water and allowing it to cool. The second way is overnight steeping.

How to make Fennel Seed Water

  • 1 liter/ 4 cups of drinking water
  • 2 tablespoons of raw fennel seeds
  1. In a deep pan bring 4 cups of water to a boil. You can use hot water straight out of your kettle too.
  2. When the water starts bubbling, toss in the fennel seeds and switch off the flame immediately.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and allow this to cool to room temperature.
  4. Once it cools, your fennel water is now ready! All you have to do is to transfer it into your glass jar or bottle and drink it throughout your day.
  5. You can even make larger batches and store in the fridge if you don't have time to make a fresh batch everyday. Simple double the recipe above.

How to make Fennel Seed Water

Lately I've been preferring the overnight steeping method for making fennel water. The reasons I prefer this are; it's easier for me to prepare fennel water at night so I don't forget in the morning as I'm in a rush to head out the door, it doesn't apply heat so the nutrients in the fennel seed have no chance of being destroyed, and lastly it uses less utensils so I have less washing up to do!
In this method, all you have to do is to get a glass jar, pour in 2 tablespoons of fennel water and fill it up with 1 litre of water. Then, cover it with a lid and you can forget about it until the next morning. At first the seeds will be floating at the top, but by morning the seeds will be engorged with water and will have sunk to the bottom.

How Fennel Seed Water Helps you Lose Weight

  1. Fennel seed water increases metabolism: Metabolism refers to the rate at which our cells use up energy from the food we eat. By boosting metabolism, calories in food are burned off faster in the body, aiding in fat loss.
  2. Fennel seed water is a natural appetite suppressant: Thinking of purchasing artificial appetite suppressing tablets? Consume natural fennel seeds instead. Chewing on fennel seeds helps naturally quell appetite.
  3. Fennel seed aids in blood purification: Fennel seed water helps clear out excess uric acid in the blood stream and breaks down bile as well as promotes digestion of fats in the liver.
  4. Fennel seed water helps to detoxify the body: In today's world, we are bombarded with toxins from every angle, from car exhaust fumes to cosmetic products. Fennel seed water helps flush out the toxins in the blood stream via the kidneys.
  5. Fennel seed water is mildly diuretic: Fennel seed water has mild diuretic effect and can help you keep alert and awake, minus the caffeine! Sipping fennel seed water throughout the day can help you keep alert and awake, giving you just enough motivation to get up and exercise, without the usual caffeine crash.
  6. Anti-spasmodic effect of Fennel Seed water: The anti-spasmodic effect of fennel seeds helps suppress 'hunger pangs' by relaxing the stomach muscles that produce the sensation. This can help you intake less calories and lose excess weight.
  7. Fennel seed water stimulates Melatonin: Melatonin is a natural hormone produced in the brain by the pituitary gland, which is responsible for regulating sleep. A good night's sleep of 6 - 8 hours is crucial for healthy weight loss and can help maintain healthy weight levels as well.

How much Fennel Water should I Drink?

As much as fennel water is a great drink for weight loss, it does not mean that the more your drink of it, the more weight you lose! In fact, as with all things, everything should be done in moderation. Follow the recipe given and make one batch of 1 ltr / 4 cups per day and sip throughout the day. Take your weight loss on a day by day basis.
If you are worried of any adverse symptoms, begin with one cup of fennel water per day and see how you react to it. You can the build up to 4 cups per day gradually. Always consult your health care practitioner.


Although fennel water is all natural, it's best to always consult your health care practitioner before undertaking any new healthcare regimen, especially if you have any known adverse health conditions or allergies. Pregnant women would best avoid fennel and fennel water