How This Woman Lost 30kg without going to gym - lose wieght fast tips

How This Woman Lost 30kg without going to gym

Lose weight, eat as much as you like

Yes, you can lose weight without going to the gym, and you don't have to take my word for it.
First, I'll share an inspiring story of a woman who lost weight without going to the gym.
I will then share her secrets of weight loss, including how to lose belly fat.
Then, I will show you the foods that help in losing weight.
Since I don't like to build suspense, and I know some of you are in hurry to find out how to lose weight, let me get to the point.
Here's a sure way of losing weight - by eating the right food for weight loss.
You don't have to starve yourself to burn belly fat. Once you know what to eat to lose weight, you can eat as much as you want.
Before you proceed, remember, there's nothing that you can eat to lose weight fast. There are no miracles. Eating right food to lose weight takes commitment. No food helps you burn fat fast. All weight loss diets take time. Best way to lose weight is through controlled diet. It is the natural way to get fit, and it also helps in keeping the weight off your body in the long run.
Eating right is also the easiest way to stay slim and fit - if you consider going to the gym as the difficult option for weight loss.
So read on to find out the best diet to lose weight, which works for women as well as for men.


How This Lady Lost Weight Without Going To Gym

Meet Kanan, a 47-year old woman, who lost as much as 30kg body weight by being committed to her weight loss goal.
Kanan was born a healthy child, but after getting married at the age of 23, she had kids and started to gain weight. She never took the weight gain seriously as she was not image-conscious.
But as she grew older, being over-weight brought a range of health issues for her, and before she knew, she was on medication for high blood pressure, asthma, back ache and joint pain.
That's when she decided to quit her job and take charge of her health.
At the beginning of 2012, she was very depressed as she weighed 100kg. At 5'2" height, she was grossly over-weight.
By following a strict plan, she lost weight and by mid-2013 she weighed about 68kgs.
Even losing a few kilos in the beginning was a big moral boost, as well as big physical boost. She could walk faster, and could walk without stopping for longer distances. She felt like a feather.
She felt very confident after weight loss. She had a better self-image.
She has stopped all medication. Her relationship with her husband improved.
Her weight loss journey is inspiring because now she knows that anything is possible.
After losing 23kg in the first three months, she visited her doctor. He struggled to recognize her. She looked like a new person after weight loss.
Her story is really inspiring because she did not take any professional help. She achieved her weight loss goals on her own. 
How did she do it?
Let's find out.

Kanan's weight loss plan

Here are the things that Kanan did to lose weight.
  • She followed a strict diet. She made a list of foods she could eat to lose weight, and she stuck by it.
  • She set up a goal to walk every day. At least for half an hour. On most days she ended up walking more than that. Her goal was to clock 10,000 steps every day, 7 days a week, without any excuse.
  • She watched walks ‘Walk at Home’ videos by Leslie Sansone on YouTube. (See the video at the end of this article.)
  • Gradually, she introduced a bit of running in between her walks.
  • She made a list of her favourite songs which she used to inspire her during her walks and runs.
Knowing what to eat to lose weight, and complementing it with walking, Kanan came close to her weight loss goals. Now she wants to reach her goal of 60ks body weight.
If she could do it, you can do it too. Let's find out what to eat to lose weight, asshared by Kanan in this article.

Foods To Eat To Lose Weight

Let's find out the right foods to eat to lose weight.
Kanan followed Atkins Diet. She restricted her carb intake to 30grams a day.
Typically, eating low carb food is a good way of losing weight.
Following a low carb diet is not very difficult once you get used to the types of foods you can eat.
Eat fish, poultry and meat. But make sure you are counting calories while eating them. Add vegetables to your diet so that your calorie intake remains under control.
You can introduce a bit of cheese in your diet, but in moderate quantity since cheese is high in carbs. 
Use olive oil for salad dressing, and if you can afford it, use it for cooking too. 

Foods to Avoid

Don't eat certain foods in high quantity and avoid certain foods completely while you are on a weight loss diet.
Avoid Pizzas and similar foods with high fat content
Avoid foods high in sugar and salt, unless you are eating sugar from its original source e.g. fruits.
Moderate your consumption of caffeine - limit yourself to one cup of tea or coffee a day. Avoid cola completely if you can. If not, limit it to once a week, or once a month.
Instead, drink lots of filtered water.
Avoid desserts. They are loaded with sugar and cream, and not only contain carbs, but also damage our bones.

Summary: What to Eat to Lose Weight

There you have it - the right foods to eat to lose weight.
In summary:
  • Don't expect overnight miracles. Weight loss takes time.
  • Develop a plan. Check your weight on the first day. Be honest. Write it down in your weight loss diary (you have one, right?)
  • Write down the foods you will eat during the weight loss diet.
  • Go for a walk. Form a group and walk. Do light exercises at home.
  • Keep a note of your progress.
  • Stay away from high-fat food.
  • You are allowed to indulge once in a while. But make a note of it.
  • Share your weight-loss goal with a trusted friend or partner, so that they can motivate you.
  • Share your progress on social media if that helps you to stay motivated.
  • Listen to your favourite songs.
  • Watch movies and TV programmes that make you laugh.

Further weight loss tips

If you have read thus far, you are probably committed to making dietary changes and lose weight, look healthier.
I may sound a bit philosophical in my concluding remarks about weight loss. Please stay with me, because what I am going to say has biological/scientific reasoning behind it.
Weight loss plan is not just about the final goal and destination. It is a journey. In fact, I may dare to say that the journey is more important than the final destination. During your weight loss efforts, if you find the journey more enjoyable than arriving at your weight loss goal, you are doing right.
If you are likely to resist and detest the food - healthy food, then this negative sentiment is going to have an adverse impact on your weight loss goal.
It's not just the food you eat that decides health outcomes; it is also the emotion felt while eating that affects how that food is absorbed in your body.
If you are likely to have any reluctance towards your weight loss diet plan, you will be better off not dieting. Many studies have in fact shown that dieters end up gaining more weight than non-dieters over a long period of time.
This is because if your inner feeling, your subconscious belief, towards your body and your health is different from what you are trying to achieve with your fat-burning campaign, then your inner belief is likely to win. And win in a big way. You will gain weight instead of shed extra pounds.
With that perspective, here are my final tips for a good weight loss plan:
  • All your weight loss efforts need to be driven from within. You must feel the urge to lose weight.
  • You need to believe in your ability to lose weight. There shouldn't be constant conflict to stay on diet. If you find yourself reluctant to follow the diet plan, quit it.
  • Listen to your body. Your inner signals are far more important that a standard diet plan being followed by millions of people around the world. Same food is treated differently in the digestive tract of different people. Literally, one man's food can be another man's poison.
  • Don't go on any diet just because it has worked for your friend. Make your own list of foods you enjoy, and then find out how you can use this list to come up with a diet plan that's unique to you.
  • Don't completely rule out junk food or fast food. If you have a craving for fast food, you can work out a way to make up for your impulse-eating by introducing more green veggies in the following meal, or by taking a walk, or pumping more iron.
  • The bottom line is, you must feel happy about the food you are eating