Does Whey Protein Make You Fat if You Don't Work Out? - lose wieght fast tips

Does Whey Protein Make You Fat if You Don't Work Out?

The Truth About Protein Powder and Weight Gain

Whey protein has been making headlines for quite some time, especially for those who are into bodybuilding. Anyone who wishes to bulk up or lose weight has probably heard of whey protein, too. Thousands have already used it as a supplement to their daily diets to help them achieve the body they want.
However, there are some who wonder if whey protein makes you fat. Some people are hesitant to use whey protein powder because they think they might gain unwanted weight if they use the supplement.
If you're one of those people, read on for answers.

What Is Whey Protein?

Milk is made up of two proteins: casein and whey. The whey protein can be separated from the casein or formed as a by-product of cheese. Whey protein, which is low in lactose, is a complete protein and contains all 9 essential amino acids.
There have been studies conducted that indicate that whey protein has properties that help fight inflammation in cancer patients. Whey protein is now considered to be a topic of great interest among many researchers, who are studying its use in reducing the risks of certain diseases. There are already reports that have shown whey protein to be beneficial in regulating the metabolism and as a supplemental treatment for many conditions, including unwanted weight loss due to certain illnesses.
Nowadays, whey protein is commonly used and marketed as a supplement for the diet. In the alternative medicine world, there have been many health claims made about the product. Although the casein protein has been shown to be the culprit in most cases of milk protein allergies and intolerances, both milk proteins can trigger similar issues in certain individuals.

The prevailing attitude toward whey protein has changed a lot through the years. In the past, it has been vastly used by bodybuilders alone, but nowadays, it is used by all kinds of athletes and those who simply want to have fitter bodies. It is commonly known to be a complete protein that contains all of the 9 essential amino acids (like quinoa, meat, eggs, and dairy) that the body can easily digest and make use of.
When talking about high-quality protein, whey protein is simply one of the best sources, especially for fat burning and muscle building. Its bio-availability, or capability of the body to absorb the protein, is the highest compared to other protein sources. It is very convenient because the powdered form is easy to prepare in a shake form. You can prepare and consume the protein within a few minutes.
But if you aren't an athlete and don't work out, will whey protein make you fat?

Does Whey Protein Powder Make You Fat?

So if you don't work out, does whey protein make you fat?
It is important to remember that any type of macronutrient (fat, protein, and carbohydrate), when taken in excess, will surely lead to weight gain. The body is able to use a limited number of calories per day, and if your caloric intake is more than what your body can use, you will inevitably gain weight. So although it is very useful to athletes, and although it does help them sculpt their ideal bodies, whey protein is not some magic ingredient to produce a muscular, athletic body. People who wish to lose weight must do more exercise to burn away the fat.
However, it is also important to know that there are no studies or scientific evidence that show that whey protein causes a greater increase in weight gain compared to other types of food. So there is no evidence to support the claim that whey protein makes you fat. Asking whether whey protein makes you fat is like asking whether pork or turkey makes you fat. If you eat more than you use, no matter what you eat, you will get fat.
Still, there are also some who argue that whey actually encourages the body to store more fat because it causes insulin levels to rise more compared to other foods that are rich in protein. However, in terms of balanced diets, insulin levels are dictated by the total amount of energy consumed to the total amount of energy spent. When looking at the bigger picture, the rise and fall of insulin in the blood is not relevant, as many of the carbohydrates that people consume cause insulin to spike more compared to whey protein.

As long as whey protein fits in your fitness program, it will not make you fat. However, you should understand that you need to keep an active lifestyle in order not to gain weight. There have also been studies that showed this source can help people burn fat a lot faster.

A protein powder shake.

How Can Whey Protein Help Me Lose Weight?

Whey protein is said to have positive effects on those who are trying to lose weight. Here are some ways whey protein can positively effect fat loss:
  1. Whey protein has been found to increase fat burning when it is used as a protein source before working out.
  2. Whey protein also increases the number of calories the body converts into heat energy (thermogenesis). This helps to regulate energy and mood levels when a person restricts caloric intake by increasing the production of serotonin.
  3. Whey protein helps the regulation of cravings by increasing the secretion of CCK, which is an essential hormone that is involved in hunger regulation. Grehlin production, or the hormone that stimulates one's appetite, is also suppressed.

Benefits of Whey Protein Powder

There is no supplement that can fully replace the benefits of a diet of unprocessed, natural, whole foods. However, whey protein has been proven to be a useful and easy source of protein for people who are busy, and there have been many studies to suggest a wide range of health benefits and uses.
Here are some of the possible benefits of taking a high-quality whey protein supplement:
  • Whey protein helps increase muscle mass and increases one's power when doing sports.
  • It also helps in weight loss by focusing the loss on fat and preserving lean muscle.
  • It increases levels of glutathione, the body's main water-based antioxidant.
  • Whey protein can help slow the progress of certain kinds of cancer and slow unwanted weight loss as a result of cancer treatment.
  • It decreases triglyceride levels.
  • It decreases the symptoms of training too much and lessens recovery time.
  • It may help delay the progression of HIV symptoms and helps combatunwanted weight loss (wasting) associated with the disease.
  • It enhances different functions of the immune system.
  • It increases HDL (good cholesterol) while at the same time, decreases total cholesterol.
  • Whey protein may improve the immune response to asthma.
  • It decreases blood pressure in patients with hypertension and also reduces their risk of developing heart disease or stroke.
These benefits show that whey protein can provide a person with benefits that vary from the physical aspects to more intricate functions of the body.

Does protein powder make you fat?

When Is the Best Time to Take Whey Protein?

Whey protein, as mentioned above, is quickly digested, so it is best taken within 30 to 60 minutes after exercise. If you wish to take it any other time, you may want to slow down the digestion of the whey protein by taking it with other types of food. For example, if you wish to add extra protein during breakfast but you don't want eggs, you can add some whey protein to your oatmeal. For a quick snack, you can drink a shake with nuts or some fish oil to help decrease the rate of protein digestion.

To the people who still worry that whey protein makes you fat, keep in mind that anything in excess will be converted to fat in the body. Excess protein is not exactly bad, but it will still mean excess calories. To prevent the process of weight gain, whether you actively exercise or not, you have to make sure that your daily consumption of calories does not go over what your body is able to burn. There are many online calculators that can help you check or estimate what your body is able to burn based on your age, activity level, size, and gender.

What Happens If I Ingest Too Much Whey Protein Powder?

Again, for most people who eat a moderate, well-balanced diet and get enough exercise, there is no evidence of any adverse side effects associated with whey protein. However, some people have whey allergies (mentioned above) and those who consume excessive doses may be getting too many calories and may also experience some negative reactions, which include:
  • Stomach pains or cramping
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Reduced appetite