Weight Loss - How to Snack and Still Lose Weigh - lose wieght fast tips

Weight Loss - How to Snack and Still Lose Weigh


Dieting to lose weight means that you will have feelings of hunger often. Finding the best way to deal with your cravings and hung pangs is the best strategy to stay on track and work towards your ultimate goal. 

Snacking is not forbidden, it is the way that you snack that can get you into trouble. Often, a few handfuls of something on the go can lead to overeating, because you are not fully aware of what it is you are munching on. Usually, this is because you are busy, distracted or stressed. 

* Keep a large supply of cut up vegetables handy in your fridge, in your purse or on your person, wherever you go. When you feel hungry in between meals, reach for some fresh vegetables. Fresh vegetables are full of fiber which helps you to feel full. They also have very few calories.

* Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses per day. When you feel hungry, drink at least one full glass of water before you have a snack.

* When it is time to have a snack, put it on a plate and sit down at the table. Concentrate on what you are eating, without distractions, such as the television. If you eat standing up or while you are doing something else, it may not even register in your brain that you had something to eat.

* Go with the "instead" plan. Have an apple instead of French fries. Have some vegetables instead of a burger, have a yogurt instead of ice cream.

* Avoid sugary foods, especially fountain drinks. Sugar can cause you to feel tired after your initial "buzz" and it won't satisfy your hunger.

* Plan your day out, including snacks. Count up the total amount of calories for the day, and leave room for some satisfying snacks in between meals. Choose higher fiber foods over less filling ones, they tend to keep you full for longer.

* Never snack when you are watching television. You will end up eating 75% more than you set out to.

* Try not to eat after 7:00 p.m. Of course, if you have not met your daily calorie allowance, you can eat at any time, it won't matter. If you are planning on eating something "above and beyond", don't consume it after 7:00 p.m., or you will store it as fat.

Snacks are an essential element to weight loss. Making better choices when it comes to snacking is the most important part of staying on plan.