3 Easy Steps For Skinny Guys To Get Big Muscles Fast - Without Any Guesswork - lose wieght fast tips

3 Easy Steps For Skinny Guys To Get Big Muscles Fast - Without Any Guesswork

If you're a skinny guy or "hardgainer" who wants to get big muscles fast, then the info on this page will help you put on some major size quick. First of all you can't expect get big without lifting weights right? Of course not. So today I'll cover 3 very important things you need to do in the gym to explode your muscle gains.

Step 1: Stick to compound exercises

If you want to get big muscles fast you need to focus on big compound movements like squats, pull-ups, bench press, bent over rows, military presses, deadlifts, etc. These are exercises that recruit the most muscle fibers and get you growing quickly.

The opposite of this is isolation exercises like bicep curls, leg extensions, lateral raises, and basically anything that uses a machine. These exercises have their place but they won't allow you to get big muscle nearly as fast as the compound lifts we just talked about.

Step 2: Squat and deadlift

If you're skinny and trying to bulk up fast, then the squat and deadlift are the 2 most important exercises you should focus on. We talked about this in step 1. You should include these two exercises in your workout routine once per week because these 2 exercises are by far the "granddaddy" of all muscle-building exercises for packing on quick size.

Step 3: Rest 2.5 - 3 minutes between sets

You're not trying to lost fat here, so there is no need to create a metabolic burn by using short rest periods between your workout sets. You'll need to give your muscles time to rest between sets since you'll be lifting heavy weights in the low 2 - 8 rep range. If you give your muscles time to rest you'll be able to continue lifting heavier weights and that's one of the many secrets to get big muscles fast.

Inside you'll learn:

  • The NUMBER ONE weight gain tactic that 97% of skinny guys will never know. (you'll be shocked by this one)
  • The 3 simple muscle-building secrets for defeating your "skinny genes" and packing on a HUGE amount of muscle weight quickly.
  • The BEST food to eat to gain weight... PERIOD. If you aren't eating these foods you aren't gaining as fast as you could...