Best Foods to Build Muscle and Burn Fat - lose wieght fast tips

Best Foods to Build Muscle and Burn Fat

We all know of the importance of what you are eating if you wish to burn fat and build muscle up. You need a good variety of vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates plus healthy fats. Ingesting protein is also a crucial factor, we all know that protein is needed for muscle building but it is also important for fat loss. The reason for this is that protein has a higher thermic value than other types of food, what that means is that the body actually uses up more energy digesting the food as protein is harder to breakdown than carbs and fast.

build muscle and burn fat

Eating fats is also another overlooked yet important factor for losing fat off your body. This is because if you aren't consuming fat then your body will try to hang on to the fat that it already does have. What follows are ten excellent foods that achieve some or all of the above, here we go:

1. Whole eggs. The classic source of protein, cheap and healthy with around 7 grams of protein per each egg. You will also boost your testosterone levels due to the nutrients, vitamins and cholesterol that they contain.

2. Salmon. An excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids and also around 20 grams of protein for every 100g.

3. Berries. These are a fantastic source of anti-oxidants which are well known to prevent cancer and various other diseases. We are talking about kinds of berry really, common sources are: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and so on.

4. Nuts. These are a really good source of mono and polyunsaturated fats, they are highly dense in calories and excellent for skinny guys who wish to gain weight. We are talking about hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts and such like. They are also high in protein too.

5. Red meat. An excellent source of protein, readily available and proven to aid in muscle building. Contains vitamin B12, zinc, creatine, and omega 3, steaks are king here.

6. Broccoli. Aids in fat loss as it is high in soluble fibre and low in calories whilst also being high in phytochemicals that are known to aid in the prevention of various diseases including cancers.

7. Oats. These are great in reducing cholesterol as they are high in soluble fibre and provide carbohydrates that give lots of long term energy.

8. Turkey. A really lean meat with around 4.5g of saturated fat per 100 grams.

9. Spinach. A highly alkaline food that prevents loss of muscle and bone loss and also protects against some cancers and heart disease.

10. Water. Without it your body can do very little in terms of muscle building. Water aids in muscle recovery and plays a significant role in pretty much all the chemical reactions in the body. Water also fills out your muscle more making it look better!