Crazy Washboard - Best Workout For Abs is Right Here! - lose wieght fast tips

Crazy Washboard - Best Workout For Abs is Right Here!

The best workout routine for abs must go way beyond the act of just doing crunches. You see in order to lean up your midsection you have to train your body from head to toe. Yes, I said you have to train from head to toe. This means that in order to build a set of six pack abs you have got to burn body fat like crazy! The only way to burn body fat is to significantly speed up your metabolism and the only way to speed up your metabolism is to train your body to build lean muscle mass. Now that may seem like a mouthful, but stay with me.

workout for abs

Best Workout For Abs!

In order to achieve everything that I just said from the previous paragraph you have got to incorporate a significant measure of cardio strength training into your workout routine. This can be done in a number of different ways by simply increasing your work capacity during your workouts through strictly managed work to rest ratios, circuit training, or interval training. The key though is to include exercises that incorporate big core movements which will drastically increase your level of perceived exertion. This is where you can obtain the benefits of both strength and cardiovascular fitness at the same time.

By engaging in a compounding workout consisting of big core movements you stand to burn a ton more calories which will speed up the progress of your washboard stomach. I personally like to engage in intervals. You see this can be structured a number of different ways because there are so many styles of lifts that engage your big core muscles that you can apply to your workouts. At the same time, there is a ton of different styles of cardio drills you can insert into your intervals between the bouts of strength drills. A good example of this might include you hammering out a set of kettlebell swings and then immediately knocking a 100 yard gasser. This is a tremendous way to stimulate your nervous system and kick your body into serious fat burning mode.

If you haven't already started to format your washboard abs workout to be a calorie burning furnace then you can expect not to see those washboard six pack abs any time soon. Take the time to read more of my articles on the subject to learn about how you can speed up the progress of your workouts. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!