Foods That Build Muscle - Get Ripped Today - lose wieght fast tips

Foods That Build Muscle - Get Ripped Today

What are the best foods that build muscle? There is so much misinformation on the internet that it is easy to become lost and therefore never learn the truth but if you want to build muscle fast here is the best foods for your physique.

foods that build muscle

1. Chicken breast will always remain a part of a ripped guys diet because it is packed full of protein and muscle building vitamins. The best option is chicken breast not only because it tastes better but it is also the leanest cut.

2. Oatmeal is a low gi carbohydrate which also contains healthy fats. It is the perfect food for breakfast especially if you add blueberries or strawberries because they contain anti oxidants which are essential for muscle growth.

3. Whole eggs are much better then egg whites because they contain a complete amino acid profile which is crucial for gaining muscle and burning fat. They also contain a large amount of healthy fats and good cholesterol which supports testosterone levels making it one of the best foods that build muscle.

4. Broccoli may be your least favourite vegetable but it is definitely worth eating. Broccoli is loaded with nutrients and photochemical which keep your body in an anabolic state. There is a large amount of fibre found in this vegetable as well which helps to burn fat.

5. Apples and oranges are fantastic fruits for a pre workout snack because they actually make you stronger. Oranges contain a large amount of vitamin c and apples have pectin which contributes to a stronger muscle.