Gym Workout Routines for Women - Are They Needed or Can You Man Up? - lose wieght fast tips

Gym Workout Routines for Women - Are They Needed or Can You Man Up?

Thousands of women everyday head to the Internet searching for specific workouts and gym routines designed just for women. But are they needed? Are there specific female exercises? Or can a woman simply follow workout routines for men?

Well personally I think this all has to do with what type of physique and what type of results you are looking for. If you are a woman looking to build a masculine and very muscular frame, then yes, you should follow the same routines that all the big guys at the gym are using. However if you are simply looking to lose weight, tone up, get fit and look great in a bikini, then you should stick to workouts that are geared towards the more feminine figure.

What's the difference?
Okay let me give you a few examples of why I believe women's workouts are needed. Picture a guy heading to the gym to work on his shoulders and upper back. He's going to head for heavyweights, low repetitions and use exercises such as the military press, lateral raises and shoulder curls. Over a period of time this will result in broad shoulders, a thick neck and a wide back.

For most women aiming to get in shape this is not a desirable look. It would be much better for a woman to stick with lower weights, do higher repetitions and perhaps stick with exercises such as a light shoulder press to give the look of toned yet elegant shoulders.

Now imagine this same concept when it comes to working out the legs. All women want long, slender legs that look great in a dress. Most gentlemen would prefer more muscular quadriceps and calf muscles, so obviously the exercises need to differ between what most men go for and what most women prefer.

When it comes to working out the legs it is much better for ladies to go for exercises like lunges as opposed to very heavy 2 legged squats that most guys would opt for.

On the other hand there are some similar exercises and routines that both men and women can do to get the desired physique they want. But again men will usually be heading for high weights and low reps, whereas women should aim for lower weights and high reps.