How to Build Muscle and Lose Stubborn Fats - lose wieght fast tips

How to Build Muscle and Lose Stubborn Fats

For those of you out there looking for the best way to build muscle lose fat, you'll know that one of the hardest things there is to do is trying to learn how to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time. The idea is actually a little bit counter intuitive, because the two principles require opposing strategies. However, if you follow the correct strategies you'll be able to accomplish both of these goals.

Build Muscle

To begin with, you have to get your diet aligned correctly to learn how to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time. If you are trying to gain lean muscle, the concept is usually that you have to eat more calories. Your muscles require fuel in order to be built, repaired and maintained, and therefore you need to up your calorie count. However, when it comes to losing weight, you have to of course cut down on your caloric intake so you burn up some of your stored fat. So how can you accomplish both of these goals? 

The answer lies in making smarter choices and learning how to maximize your metabolism. To learn how to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time, you have to make the most out of every calorie you eat. That means you need to seriously up your protein intake while cutting back on fatty foods and foods that are high in carbs.

A good goal is to keep your total caloric intake unchanged from what would be standard to maintain your weight. Every day you should try to eat one gram of protein for every pound of desired body weight. Additionally, on days that you don't workout, you then cut down your caloric load by about 10%. You'll see that in this manner, you can both gain lean muscle and lose weight and the same time.

Don't forget, another helpful hint is that you should be breaking down your meals into smaller snack sized meals. Eat all day long, at least five meals and as much as seven or eight. This will keep your metabolism soaring on high and will prevent you from ever becoming too hungry.

Now onto the workouts that will enable you to learn how to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time. Since you're trying to gain lean muscle and lose weight, you should follow a strategy that focuses on intense periods of exercise, which will maximize your burn while triggering muscular growth. The best way to do this is by using heavy weights and low repetitions for your sets, but also minimizing your rest in between sets.

After a few weeks of this style of working out, switch to a circuit training routine for a week or two. Use lighter weights with high reps and no rest in between stations. Then switch back to your heavy weight and low rep routine. You will keep your body guessing and you'll be building muscle while shedding plenty of fat.

Don't think it's impossible to learn how to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time. If you follow the above strategies you'll see that you will be able to gain lean muscle and get a shredded physique that's nearly free of excess body fat.