How to Build Muscle Quickly - Fast Muscle Building Fundamentals - lose wieght fast tips

How to Build Muscle Quickly - Fast Muscle Building Fundamentals

Building muscle quickly is actually pretty damn easy. It all boils down to three things;-
Build Muscle

1) Eating more calories than you use
2) Lifting progressively heavier weight
3) Getting enough rest

However there are specifics in each of those three points, so I'll go over those now:

Eat more calories than you use
The calories need to decent calories - I'm not talking cakes here. Have lots of low GI carbohydrates (low GI means low sugar) with lots of high protein foods such as fish, meat and nuts. You need to eat five to six times a day and you'll need a protein source with each meal. You'll need a big breakfast to get the day going and immediately after you work out, be sure to have a protein shake in water mixed with glucose in a 1:1 ratio to help your body to recover from the beating you just gave it in the gym. Supplement with Udo's oil to make sure that you're getting enough Essential Fatty Acids and if you're struggling to get the meals down you then have a Meal Replacement Powder or protein shake to fill the gaps.

Lift Progressively
This means that when you go down to the gym you need to try and lift a heavier weight than before. For beginners this should be fairly easy - especially on the anabolic diet that I've talked about above. For more advanced athletes you may need to look into periodisation or dual factor training to lift heavier. Stick to 5x5 or 3x8 routines and always make sure that the core compound exercises such as the squat deadlift and bench press are the focus of the routine.

Get Enough Rest
You don't grow in the gym, you grow out of the gym. You need between 6 and 8 hours a night and you should simply listen to your body to understand whether your are overtraining. If you are overtraining then take a week off, or simply lower the weights and start the progression again.
To Gain Lots of Muscle
If you're serious about bulking up then I'll always suggest that you read Bulking Up by No Nonsense Bodybuilding because this gives you one of the most powerful routines for building muscle along with diet plans that will get you in great shape. Remember, all these little extra things you're doing that other people aren't will make you stand out from the crowd.