How to Get Big Arms Fast - Why Most Skinny Guys Get it Wrong - lose wieght fast tips

How to Get Big Arms Fast - Why Most Skinny Guys Get it Wrong

Let me tell you, from someone who spent his adolescence as a skinny guy, that being rake-thin is no fun. Yeah ok, i could eat a horse and still have room for apple pie and ice cream, and not even put on a pound of weight, but what good is that when you look like a bean pole?

If you pack on even just a few pounds of muscle, it can make a huge difference, and of course, one of the most impressive places to gain muscle is on your arms.

Big, muscular arms turn heads...period.

But how can you get big arms quickly? Well, here I'd like to show you the most common reasons most skinny guys struggle in their quest of how to get big arms fast.

Big Arms Have 3 Major Muscle Groups 

The big mistake that most skinny guys make when looking at how to get big arms fast, is that they tend to focus solely on the biceps and more or less ignore the triceps. That can cost you many wasted hours in the gym.

Look at any bodybuilder or fitness model and you'll notice that in many cases the shape of their muscular triceps is what really gives them their big arms.

FACT: Triceps are naturally bigger and stronger muscles than biceps. So if you're overtraining your biceps you'll only end up with disproportionate upper arms, then don't look or perform nearly as impressively as a good balanced well-trained arm.

How To Get Big Arms By NOT Focusing On Them

Now, I'm a great believer in compound exercises for skinny guys to pack on muscle - in other words I tend to advise people to avoid using isolation exercises (particularly for beginnners) as they will tend to tire out certain muscles before others and so you end up fatigued too early and with poor results.

If you're looking at how to get big arms fast then you'd do well to remember that by simply completing good solid all-body workouts, your biceps, triceps and overall arm size will increase substantially. In fact, if you watch some of the biggest guys in the gym you'll notice that they hardly train their arms specifically. They focus on increasing the size and strength of their chest, shoulder and back muscles and know that big arms are simply a result of that.

If you focus solely on your arms and fatigue them, then by the time you get to exercise your back and shoulders you won't have enough gas left to perform properly, thereby sabotaging your overall fitness and muscle mass gains.

Apply Constant Tension To See Massive Growth

Another mistake skinny guys make when thinking how to get big arms fast is the failure to keep the arm muscles under constant tension in order to see the most gains. The visits to the gym become more about lifting as heavy a weight as possible or doing as many reps as possible to get big arms, whereas in reality it should be about performing the exercises under control with good technique and focusing on working whichever muscles should be worked.
You know what I mean, when you see guys throwing weights around with sloppy technique or "cheating" by using other parts of their body to help them during the exercise. This will not only cause you to suffer injury more often, but also fails to work the correct muscle groups consistently.

For instance, the biceps respond to constant pressure, so think about "squeezing" at the top of your barbell curls to get the maximum benefit to your muscles.

A trick I like to use when performing hammer dumbbell curls is to start with the dumbbell already lifted. So let's say I start by lowering the dumbbell in my right hand and then lifting it back up...well, while I'm doing that the dumbbell in my left hand is in the contracted position, meaning I have constant tension on BOTH biceps throughout the whole exercise.