How to Get Big Muscles - Big Muscle Building Secrets For Skinny Guys - lose wieght fast tips

How to Get Big Muscles - Big Muscle Building Secrets For Skinny Guys

For skinny guys and hardgainers, struggling to get big muscles and put on weight, is nothing short of frustrating, especially when we follow the so-called advice in much of the bodybuilding press, and still find that we haven't really gained anything at all.

I would say that the biggest reason skinny fail when thinking about how to get big muscles is that they are following the wrong kind of bodybuilding programs; in other words, programs that are not designed with their specific body type in mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying those programs are no good, just that they are probably not right for you.

The best kind of program to help skinny guys in their quest of how to get big muscles will follow the 3 important principles below.

Focus On Compound Exercises

Many skinny guys struggle to get big muscles quickly because they usually ignore the importance of compound exercises, and instead perform lots of isolation exercises (particularly on machine weights).

Compound exercises incorporate more muscle fiber per exercise helping you to lift heavier, work more muscle, and spend less time down the gym than you would by performing isolation exercises.

Free weight exercises (so much better than machines) like Squats and Deadlifts will help you to build overall body strength and get big muscles faster. So make sure these are a focal point of your workouts.

Full Body Workouts Are Better Than Splits

Again, many skinny guys follow the advice of advanced bodybuilders who split their workouts like this: Monday is Chest Day, Tuesday is Back Day, Wednesday is Legs Day, etc.

The problem with this technique is that it is not optimal to get big muscles quickly. Don't forget that the advanced bodybuilders are pretty much at the size they want to be so their workout requirements are vastly different to someone who wants to gain more muscle mass quickly.

Sticking to full-body workouts is not only more efficient than splitting your workouts (you only need to go to the gym 3 times per week), but will generally work out each major muscle group 3 times per week instead of just once. This will help you to get big muscles much faster than splitting your workouts.

Periodize Your Exercises AND Rep Numbers
What you may find is that in the first few weeks of starting your workout you'll see significant muscle gains only to see them trail off, much like a dieter loses pounds in the early stages only to see those losses tail off.

This is your body getting used to circumstances (or weight training routine in this situation). The key to breaking through these plateaus is in the concept of PERIODIZATION. This really means changing up your workout so that your body is constantly stimulated and forced to adapt - by adapting itself the muscles are forced to grow and get bigger.

However, changing up your rep numbers is just as important as changing up your exercises. Rep numbers between 5-8 on heavy weights are best for building strength, and numbers of 8-10 are ideal for building muscle mass. By changing up your rep numbers you will ensure a varied stimulation of your muscle fibers and a faster way of how to get big muscles.
However, changing up your rep numbers is just as important as changing up your exercises. Rep numbers between 5-8 on heavy weights are best for building strength, and numbers of 8-10 are ideal for building muscle mass. By changing up your rep numbers you will ensure a varied stimulation of your muscle fibers and a faster way of how to get big muscles.