Meal Replacement Diets - The Lazy Man's Way To Good Heath - lose wieght fast tips

Meal Replacement Diets - The Lazy Man's Way To Good Heath


Thus, you lose weight.

With a Meal replacement diet the calorie counting is largely done for you. If you replace two meals a day with a meal replacement shake, say breakfast and lunch, and then take a healthy option for dinner then you should be consuming around 1200 calories per day. This will give you a steady weight loss of around 2 pounds per week.

A nice steady and safe rate of weight loss.

When meal replacement diets were first introduced many experts condemned them as belonging to the group of "fad" diets. They include the quick fix fashionable yet short-lived diets that have contributed to the yo-yo effect that leave you, once you stop, heavier than before.

This has proved not to be the case with meal replacement diets.

I believe that there are two reasons for this.

Firstly, if you have replaced two of your three meals with a shake the calorie counting has already been taken into consideration for you. There is no need for you to agonise over whether your daily allowance has been exceeded.

It hasn't. You just have to consider what healthy and tasty option you will take for dinner.

Secondly, because you have no need to give food a thought for most of the day there is no need for continual obsession. The only thought is for your main meal. Therefore you become more aware of the importance of the right foods to put in your body. This new knowledge becomes invaluable if you later reduce to one shake per day or possibly have no need for a meal replacement diet at all. In any event, you are less likely to return to the old habits that produced the excess weight in the first place.

Of course you may say that this is all very well, but are meal replacement diets healthy?

Well they do have to conform to standards and will contain the approved amount of protein, vitamins and nutrients.

I like to think of meal replacement diets as the ultimate convenience food.

It couldn't be much easier or quicker.

Oh yes, and it's healthy too!