Upper Body Workout - Muscle Building Routine For Serious Muscle Mass - lose wieght fast tips

Upper Body Workout - Muscle Building Routine For Serious Muscle Mass

The upper body workout is king for most guys who hit the gym. They completely neglect their legs. While this is a BAD, BAD idea, we'll talk about that in another article. Because the fact is, most people screw up their upper body workout as well.

First, just like legs, most guys neglect their backs (other than maybe some pull downs).

Second, most people get into some crazy split routines and end up over trained because they work their upper body muscles with too many sets in too many workouts.

Your body doesn't work in a vacuum. You can't truly 'isolate' a muscle for an exercise or even for a split routine.

If you're going to go with a split routine, instead of a full body workout you have to be very careful or you'll over train and you won't get results.

Your shoulders are used in almost all exercises that aren't for the lower body.

Your triceps get hit hard when working the shoulders and the chest, the biceps get a lot of work during back exercises and even legs and back can overlap a lot (think squats and deadlifts in particular).

So if you use a split routine, either put the entire upper body workout on the same day or do not do any upper body work two days in a row.

Let's take a look one of my favorite work out routines for the upper body you can use to gain mass.

Upper Body Workout Routine

Searing Superset Strategy

  • A1. Decline Bench Press 3 x 10
  • A2. Barbell Deadlift 3 x 12
  • Rest 1 minute between supersets
  • B1. Wide Dumbbell Upright Rows 3 x 12
  • B2. Low Position Dumbbell Laterals 3 x failure
  • Rest 30 seconds between supersets
  • C1. Incline Dumbbell Curls 3 x 12
  • C2. Lying Decline Tricep Extensions (with EZ Curl Bar) 3 x 12
  • Rest 30 seconds between supersets

Now, a few tips on this upper body workout routine. First, it's intense. 18 sets in a short period of time is hard work.

Second, while the rep numbers all say 12 it will go lower than that because you are using the same weight on all of the sets. So the Decline Bench Press might go 3 x 12, 9, 6.

The exception to this is the deadlift. Use a weight that makes it difficult to get 12 reps on the third set. Your deadlifts should go 12 x 12 x 12. If you don't get 12 on the third set, use the same weight next workout.

Here's how you do the low position dumbbell laterals.

After you finish your upright rows, take the same dumbbells and hold them at your sides but a few inches away from your body (you should feel the tension in your shoulders).

Now, raise them out to the sides like you're going to do a side lateral but only move them about 6 inches. That's the entire rep.

You'll really feel this after the upright rows, plus you're using a much heavier weight than if you just did normal laterals. Give it a try.

Give this upper body workout routine a try once or twice per week. Don't do it directly on a day before or after you hit legs and squats because of the overlap with the deadlift.