You Fit and Healthy - Build Muscle With A Dumbbells Only Workout - lose wieght fast tips

You Fit and Healthy - Build Muscle With A Dumbbells Only Workout

I am a big believer in finding what you like to do and changing up your workouts to keep your interest. Doing the same workouts week after week gets stale and boring.


Weight training with barbells and dumbbells, Interval training, Tabata's, bodyweight workouts, jumping rope the possibilities and variety of workouts you can do is endless. In this article I'm going to give you a workout using only dumbbells.

One of the advantages of using dumbbells over barbells is that dumbbells allow for a greater range of motion recruiting more muscle fibers. Dumbbells are useful if space is a problem where you workout. So lets take a look at a dumbbells only workout.

What we are going to do here is sort of an old school full body workout. Before starting any exercise program get yourself a physical and clearance from a doctor to begin working out.

Start off with a good warm-up. Jump rope for five minutes combined with some bodyweight exercises pushups, squats etc. to get your muscles ready for weight training.

What you will do is 4 sets 6-10 reps of all exercises in straight sets.

1) Dumbbell Squats
2) Dumbbell Bench Press
3) Dumbbell Bent-over -row
4) Dumbbell Press
5) Dumbbell Tricep Extension ( can be done seated or lying down)
6) Dumbbell Curls ( both arms or one at a time)
7) Dumbbell Calf Raises

As you can see 7 exercises and you have hit every body part. As I said this is a full body workout so typically what you would do is use this workout 3 days a week. If you are looking to do a three day aweek workout what you would want to do is change some of the exercises for variety.

For example let's say you are working out Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You would do the workout above on Monday and Friday. On Wednesday change your exercises for example:

Instead of Dumbbell Squats do Bulgarian Squats

In place of Flat Bench Presses do Incline Bench Presses

So there you have it an old school style dumbbells only workout for muscle building and fat loss. Remember that workouts are great but if your living on a diet of fast foods your efforts will be in vain. There is a saying among fitness pro's "You Can't Outrain A Lousy Diet".

The breakdown usually is thought of as 75% Nutrition 25% Training so if you think your just going to do a little extra sets and reps to make up for that lousy diet think again.

Weight Training, Interval Training, Tabata's and a sound nutrition program is what it takes to be fit and healthy.