Weight Training Routines - How to Build Up Your Body Without Getting Bulky - lose wieght fast tips

Weight Training Routines - How to Build Up Your Body Without Getting Bulky

So many women seem to have the, largely unfounded, fear of lifting weights because they are afraid they will get too 'bulky'. You can get the tone you want without the bulk if you follow a simple weight training routine. 

There is a ton of conflicting advice on this topic. Some people say that women can't bulk up because of they lack the testosterone while others say you can, just look at the female bodybuilders.

I think the most logical approach is, well, logic. Most women could probably bulk up considerably with the right diet and weight training routine, but it would take an enormous amount of dedication to your diet and your workout.

The reality is that most of us don't want to be that buff, we don't need to look like a fitness model and aren't motivated enough to do what needs to be done to achieve that.

In order to really become that buff our workouts would literally have to become a full time job. And forget about all that comfort food, if you really wanted to bulk up you would have to eat completely clean.

It is important for women to lift some weight. And I don't mean 1 or 2 pound weights. That's a gallon of milk! I mean work your way up to 8, 10, 15 or even 20 lbs. Of course the amount of weight you lift will vary depending on the body part you are working. You should be able to lift considerably more weight when working your legs than you can when working your biceps.

Women sometimes mistake a 'bulky' look with lifting too much weight but often it's simply a matter of having too much body fat underneath the muscles you're building. That's where diet comes in. Getting fit isn't a one pronged approach. You need to incorporate diet and exercise, that means cardio as well as a weight training routine.

Don't let the fear of getting bulky be an excuse to not do anything. You need to be strong. You don't need to be a bodybuilder but you need muscle strength. This will become even more important as you age.

So to get the most out of your weight training routine and don't be afraid of bulking up. For most women that would be virtually impossible and it sure isn't going to happen accidentally.

Be confident in yourself and your strength. Have a realistic idea of how you want to look and then work until you achieve that goal. Challenge yourself and lift heavier weights until you've reached the body type you want then you can continue your workouts without going up in weights to maintain the perfect body you've built for yourself.