What's the Best Weight Training Diet? - lose wieght fast tips

What's the Best Weight Training Diet?

When it comes to weight lifting, there are 3 very important factors that you need to be aware of, so as to get the best out of your workout. The first is you must push yourself as much as possible during your workout while, safely, and using the correct form with each exercise. Secondly, you must allow the body adequate rest, so as to recover properly. Thirdly, you must supply your body with the foods and drinks in which it needs to recover and repair.

weight training diet

In this article, I'll be discussing a weight lifters diet. If you wish to get bigger, your diet obviously plays a major role, as with a poor diet, you simply won't put on the muscle mass you wish for. With a poor diet, not only can you actually screw up the results your trying to achieve in the gym, but you can actually go backwards, making yourself fat, rather than trying to stay in shape, and getting buffer. 

The first thing I want to state in regards to your diet, is that you must stay away from alcohol. The reason for this is that alcohol is often filled with empty carbs and sugars which will completely mess up any chance you have of getting the body you want. The only drink you need to drink is water, and a lot of it, aim for at the very least 2 litres a day. Personally, I aim for 4 litres a day. If you're a fan of fruit juice, you can get away from this, but make sure there natural, and don't contain any added sugar, as fruit naturally has sugar anyway, we don't need anymore.

This brings me onto my next point, sugar and junk food. Ideally, we want to stay away from sugar as much as possible. Not only will this add unwanted weight to your body, but it is also bad for your health in general when consumed in excess. Therefore, no matter what you consume, always take a look at it's sugar content. Obviously, soft drinks such as coke and sprite are loaded with sugar to give them their flavour, so you'll need to stay away from them, but so are lots of other items you may not even be aware of. Junk food is also on the hit list, we want to stay away from this as much as possible. I know people like to treat themselves every now and then, so I wouldn't totally rule it out, but I want you to understand it has no nutritional value what so ever, it's loaded with carbs, salt and sugar, and will be detrimental to your goals.

What time you eat, and the amount you eat is also very important. Ideally, you want to eat high protein meals throughout the day if possible. I personally have porridge along with a protein shake for breakfast, fruit to snack on, a couple of chicken salad sandwiches (no topping) for lunch, and a couple of chicken breasts and salad for dinner. You'll need carbs in the earlier part of your day to give you energy, but try to taper this off as the day goes on, having no carbs after 4pm. It's a better idea to have small regular meals throughout the day, I have roughly 5, rather than big meals.

Try to stick with a lot of white meats, so chicken, breast and turkey. Red meats, such as beef are OK every now and then, but understand that they typically come high in fat, so only have these sparingly, or unless you're going to grill them, which should allow a lot of the fat to drop away.

I hope you've found this article of interest, and I'd like to thank you for reading.