Fruit and Vegetable Diet Cleanse - The Fastest Way to Lose Weight Naturally - lose wieght fast tips

Fruit and Vegetable Diet Cleanse - The Fastest Way to Lose Weight Naturally

A fruit and vegetable diet cleanse may be just what you have been looking for if you want to lose weight really fast in a totally natural way. 

It certainly was a winner for me! I lost 13 pounds in 14 days when I did a simple fruit and vegetable diet cleanse. I ate a ton of food (fresh fruits and vegetables) and I was never hungry and the weight came off easily! 

I learned about the fruit and vegetable diet a few years back when I read a book about a man who found that when he decided to eat fruits, vegetables and nuts every other day he lost a lot of weight. I thought that was an interesting concept and I gave it a try. That was my first experience with eating raw foods - even though only on a limited basis (every other day) and I did lose some weight.

This "every other day" experiment got me more interested in fruit and vegetable diets and the raw food diet movement. I did a lot of research about the health improvement and fast weight loss that can come from eating a diet that consists of mostly raw fruits and vegetables and a limited amount of nuts and seeds.

I had the usual concerns about getting enough protein and getting balanced nutrition from this way of eating. Those concerns were taken care of after finding that many fruit and vegetables contain the life giving nutrients - fats, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes and more that I need to thrive.

You may not want to eat like I do all the time - my diet consists of a very high percentage of fruit and vegetables every day.

But if you want to lose weight fast, you will want to do a fruit and vegetable diet cleanse like I did for 14 days and experience a totally natural way to get the weight off and also give your body a cleansing rejuvenation. Imagine how great you will feel 14 days from now, when your clothes are looser, and your body and soul are lighter!